Innovative HART communications specialty company ProComSol announced earlier this month that they now have an Android based application that when combined with their Bluetooth...
One of the challenges facing wireless devices is providing them with reliable power other than a battery, which though continually improving requires replacement when the cell...
The Fieldbus Foundation and HART Communications foundation have now officially merged to form a new organisation to known as FieldComm Group. As no surprise Ted Masters will be...
The Fieldbus Foundation recently distributed a “Hot off the Wire” Press Release to inform everyone that one of the manufacturers of an approved chip set on which the FF Stack ...
All of us are conscious that international standards play an important role in the design and implementation of automation and control systems as these are the areas in which ...
Wireless installations in industrial settings have different challenges and requirements than those found in the typical office environment. A new application guide jointly developed...
Gaining an understanding of the changes in the rapidly evolving industrial wireless sector will be valuable to not only manufacturers but also end users and engineering companies...
A European standard intended to reduce the likelihood of signal interference in the ISM bands could have a significant impact on how Industrial wireless networks will be designed...
Safety systems are an important component of control systems and with the recent publication of the second edition of these documents so getting an understanding of some of the...
Plant reliability is a key to successful plant operations. Achieving high levels of reliability requires effective maintenance practices – including taking advantage of the knowledge...
After a too long hiatus I am back – fulfilling a New Year’s resolution, coincidentally on the eve of Chinese New Year, to post regularly (weekly at a minimum) on all things that...
Though data on the HART/IP protocol is still difficult to come by – unless you want to shell out a membership or purchase the specifications for just under $1000. The need for...
Nivis, announced that they are now providing the source code for their ISA100.11a and WirelessHART software platforms which will certainly encourage the development...
There continues to be much discussion about natural gas for a variety of reasons, not just the large reserves made possible because of Shale gas deposit development, but also...
I was recently informed about a new White Paper by respected cybersecurity authorities Ralph Langner and Perry Pederson of the Brookings Institution called "Bound to Fail: Why...